Friday, May 9, 2008


So yeah I did played snooker!! Well I actually won but lets just say I gave him the point!! So I lost the league!! My bro in law against my eldest sis =P So yeah didnt see what happened! Tpi suddenly put ps1 and sega outside the living room and main game pulang!!

Tapi instead i went to my room since i declare my self defeat! hahaa! So I was hyper lah siok kali ahh game nya! Kalog all the way!! Cough2 well anyway! I was so hyper that i called someone for the first time! HUHU!! Spoke like until 8.55min xP Not bad for first time baa! Then heard my sis shouting and laughinga nd its like 11plus! Akhir jua tue!! So went out! Few min later! Went inside my room again!

I miss her!!So I called HER again!! We cakaped-cakaped-cakaped-coughed-cakaped! hehe xP until 12+!! This time 45min xP Got disconnected! I thut her cridet habis!! Lupanya my credit yang abis ani!! OWH Man!! Suk bali lagi credit nie lagi!! xP That 'HER' will remained secret as for now!! You know who you are!! =P

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