Sunday, August 31, 2008

Broken Rules ;D

The rules :

1. State 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
2. Tag 10 people who have to do what is stated in #1.
3. No tagbacks, and once tagged, you have to do it.

1) Yes I've been harass by a girl. Yes I repeat a girl! Wasn't all that bad. xD

2) I love guns & would like to own them. Esp sniper. ;P Air gun or real. I use to own lots of air guns. But I left it in vietnam. If aku bawa jua illegal! Haaaaa!

3) I really do respect girls & well love thee. (well isnt that obvious) At least my close friends knows it.

4) I do in fact love to chew. Gum, I can chew it for hours eventhough it has no taste. My longest was roughly 9 hours. Man, when iam old I'll be chewing but with nothing in it. Err owh & I do chew straws, plastic spoon or fork. Omg! xD Weird aye~

5) I really am a man who cares about time. I wish to spend them wisely & enjoy them.

6) Iam a laid back, sensitive, percautious, gullible, laughable person & might be a skitso if you believe that. I change vary to the situation, alot, people might notice that by now. I do talk to myself but in a silent way. get it? xD

7) I love Garlic Bread, well any food really.

8) I love to try new things, my to do list & want list is beyond imaginable.

9) Yes, I dont like to be boss around knowing Iam doing something else or in a bad mood.

10) Yes its true I have way more close friends girls than dudes. Its just how I roll! xD

11) Yes I played over 10 sports so far. Would like to play tennis & ice hockey. I fucking miss street hockey though. Why the fuck did I leave my stick & helmet! Arrgh!

12) I like mornings better than nights. Dont get me wrong I love the night features stars, moon etc. But nothing beats cold morning that fog up the window with bright shiny light. (I might not describe it too well)

13) Believe me this, I suck in malay. I prefer english. Eventhough Iam malay does not mean Iam good in it. I guess I was raised internationaly which led to many influences. But Iam proud of it. =)

14) My all time favourite Rpg game is Final Fantasy 7. Basically all but this is a Must for me. Everything about FF7 I Love, Do I mean everything.

15) I fall in love with people who plays instruments, unless they are dudes! Esp people who plays piano, guitar, drums etc. & I do love orchestra.

16) (I know its suppose to be 15 but who cares, I want it to be my number) I stare,wonder & day dream! ALOT!
I stare randomly, I wonder aimlesly, I day dream endlessly. xD

I wont tag people xD
I'll stop the chain. ;D

Relaxing Sunday.

Just as I hoped it would. You know what, Iam not too fond of Hari Raya this early. Iam sure most people is busy during these last few months right exams & shit. Just what I dont like. So anyway the point is masa puasa or cuti, Iam going to chill my ass off. xD

Right so today. Slept at 8+ yesterday. Early ah. Cana jua paning & over tired kn. So I woke up like 7+am. It was so sweet to have not wake up by the alarm. It was so comfy & peaceful. Cold comfy on my bad, but sadly I have to wake up. Main game kajab. Then chill liat tv.

Then 10+ getting ready to go wedding to Family close friends. It was fun as jarang my fam together. Namely my parents sis & bro. While Sarah & her parents tinggal. So 1 car ke sana was fun. Share my musics with my sis. Then sampa (45min travel) i sat down quietly. My bro jalan2 the house. I was with my dad lh. It was a huge wedding lh. Congrats to Abg.Saiful. I seriously cant count on how many bmw there was. Ada this 1 awesome bmw that was just awesome (apakn)

Bro & I talking cough2 *guys talk! Makes you wonder right! hahha xD So saw lots of my parents friends namely uncles & aunties from dulu2 when I was... god I dont know when. Anyway it was fun lh liat2 org as my sis & bro said. xD

Otw home, stop by my cuzn's newly unhabitant house. So we wnt inside liat2. I got to say its a noice house. xD
Vaining with bro & sis. Need more family moments like this baa! So balik like 2+, buka aircon & chill with bro liat tv sampai 4+. Slept time to time! xD Its cozy in the ground. Then guess who came crying! xD Shapa lgi kn si Sarah ahh! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! hahah xD So i just mock her the way ia nagis! Hahahah

Bh dudes. Iam like in my sub-awake mode. Cant concentrate. + kn makan french fries ku! xD

The pics are not in order~ xD

Thats a window not a mirror~ xD

The rounded stairway. (is that right?) x)

Candid from outside! xD

Dada & Momma~

The big ass window! xD Noice

Kakas & Momma~

Blurry but Noice~

Eyh napa ahh abg ah! xD

Yes I know iam sweating! xD

Eyh macam mafia abg ahh! xD


Sis, I, Bro & momma at the back~

Rumah my cuzn~

Yes vaining! xD

Momma & bro~

Early in the morning. Liat Sarah kn mandi. daddynya main sma mummy nya! xD

Mafia usulnya! xD

Candid taken by me? Cana kn tue? xD

The newly wed~ =)


Like I said its not in order! hahha. & you know what. I have no idea what i wrote atas ah! so uncomfortable typing like this in this state! Arghh! xD

Bh later peeps! Mayb ada lgi I post. Lets see if puasa later! xD

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Today punya story.

Today was a fine day, dreading to go to school though & tidor akhir last night. First thing when I came to school, Azhan told me that T.Hamirul showing us our marks. Damn was I pleased. 80+ just made my day. So then Bazh ada, she asked for her ring back. Confuse I. Then gave me a new kick ass ring! Ahhh Damn! Terkejut I. (I'll tke the pic soon yeah ;D) So the awesome ring just even made my day-eir better! xD I bet its mahal~ ;D Bazh, thank you! <3

So then english paper given back, Too bad I sat alone. T. inda suruh pindah. Btw the class was half missing well quarter. You know who you are! ;D So yeah, a relieve in my eng papers. 70 for the paper & 60+ for the overall. Ahh damn why not 70+ kh! Well at least I pass kn. So then T. asked to check for the absent-ies papers. Shapa lgi I took. heee~

Si Karey curi *cough2 his girl's paper jua. Siok lh buat correction for this certain paper. She is so smart~ ;D But yang aku kajut ani how similar the way we think. Even our passage, we both line & scribble on it! Err anyway, It was fun. I do miss her. =) So basically I was staring random things tadi. Ask Pengi & Uchi! hahha

Econ, got our papers back, T.Disappointed at us. I was disappointed at myself! Well at least I pass. Sudah lh tue. Only couple of people pass. Then Bazh sat near me, then nya naow which suprisingly got higher marks! Good girl~ Then buat correction, Malas ku ingau! Sma nya naow buat crossword puzzle. I got the last few hard words. Good for me! (Prasan) Last2 Bazh & I laugh like org gila liat this pic in the text book that resemble Katong & suprisingly ada jua cartoon character of Nya naow next to it! xD

Err, was with BNM, Chilling. Chatting, hearing them laugh to their kuning convo. xD Awwww Nya naow fed me. It was random but it was so sweet. ;D (Tebalik ani bh) xD

Sat with Karey, Chatting, laughing, panating with BNM. Also ke Pengi side with Uchi, Donkey & Dinda. Talking about metal shits lh, transfering piss (WTF) & all! Palui! xD Wrote on Pengi, Donkey & Dinda's hands. None for me this time. All that scrubbing of permanent ink off my hand was tiring! xD Owh Ida's "I" masih nampak sikit! xD

Basically I was moving between Pengi side to BNM side. I did do the correction. How did my paper go. I have no idea, but I know the result! xD I just freaking dont do maths. I'm not a number man, I'm a word smith! xD

Balik time:
Katong stole my hat & left it hanging on the door. Mafia punya kraja nie! Nanti ya! xD So then ran to Nya naow. Staring at her eyes as she walk to her car. Malu ya! GAGAGA! Biar ia! xD So then said hi to the usuals wonders & Tri-ous. Liyana nagis after thatt =( Feel better Liyana!

Chill out with Andy kajab, then Aime took my hand & brought me away. xD Chatting sal something! ahhh! No Wonder! So anyway chill with si Aimi (another person) xD ask me to buy something. Psshh! Bawa si Aime dangani. =) So after awhile, pengi left nada ia ckp bye arah aku! Ambung~ Booooo! Kn ke yayasan ya!

So lastly, balik people. Tinggal Nisah & I, Chat lh. =) Then ia kn balik, Salah kreata! Malu~ hahaha
So then balik ya soon. Went to Aime & Ells. xD Soon after that my sis dtg. Akhirnya. Said bye2 to them. Owh & ada this girl I use to like well sme time lh kmi balik ani! (this is random) But I wanted to say bye, since she was alone jua! xD (I have no idea why iam saying this)

Jalan time:
Makan di coffee zone. Omg I got to say that the gralic bread was beautiful, Beat pizza hut! Omg! I want it lagi. Plus the chicken chop I order! Woah! How tender it was! Majal kn seliur kn kaka! xD She order lagsana (Sp) xD

Then grocery shopping at kuilap, browsing for Ps3 games. Payah nak cari lh! Kaka got an eye on Civilisation until ia mau mau bali ani bh. Cost like $90s. But sadly, Gadong was packed like normal. On the traffic made us stress jua lh! xD Main my psp while tunggu sampai. Dui, inda jadi tia. I didnt buy my dvds too! Howel, nanti th!

Owh ya, I post this last time pasal this salesgirl who stares at me whenever I go in the shop. She was still there. Entah ah masa masuk ah. Banar she was like smiling & staring. Snap did I malu! Passing by her like si palui! xD Malu banar eyh! Keep my cool (setaie) then walk away. HAHAHA, bali popcorn after that! ;D

Went home, in a sleep mode in the car sampai like leaning so low! Then bangun half awake mode. Raining dari tadi (another reason inda jdi ke Gdg)

Bh people. Major headache right now.
After my *cough2 routine workout! *cough2
Mandi tarus tidor nie, If that is possible since Iam very tempting to play ps3 now! Arghh! addicted eyh! xD

Info: If you know the controller of the ps3 is wireless. So I tried this test where my sis liat how far I can play without actually knowing what I was pressing just to test the distant. Astonishingly. I was playing outside with a controller & pressing shit. Imagine through how many walls & great distant, I still can play the game. Masa ke jamban, dapat nie main! Hrrmm now thats a thought! xD

Chill peeps~
Its very detail today~

Friday, August 29, 2008

Pictures of the week~

Sorry it took a whole night to post. Started at 2+ then hujan labat. Nada dapat online. Then 4+ guess what tutup karan! Until 8! I'll talk about that later di bawah. xD

Picture I took during exam week. xD

Pengi's Hand Tattoo~ ;D

Karey & Mine's Hand Tattoo.

Err that was so random. Shapa jua start it ;D

Not that much BUT wait its permanent! (which is gone that night jua, banyak scrubing) ;D

Karey's Artistic style. Made by Ida~

Negative~ Cool!

Mau mau tia jua! xD

This was a fun study. Pengi, Ida, Uchi & I =)

Random shot~

Si Azhan teaching the dudes. Handal eyh ia teach! xD

Ida moto sami spiderman twitching? (inside joke)

Kihut ahh~ Spiderman pose nye~

My BNM. Eseh mine? xD <3

The babysitting of Sarah~

Good girl inda nagis main sma Mr. Hippo & Mr.Elophant~ heee~ Cute Sarah~ <3

Chilling sma Sarah yg cute~ <3

Tertarik I dengan bukunya yg belagu & lawa! HAHAHA xD

She made my day balik frm school!
Sma Mummy strolling out~

Liat bungshu nie~

Did my baa face~ Nagis tia! Awww!

Tahlil Malam~
Banyak the pics I took is so blur.So I chose yg tarang2 sikit!

3rd Generation cuzn! xD

Abgs & Kakas & aunt.

Meriah di dalam~

Eseh Ngah posing with cuzns~

HUJAN LABAT! Kesian eyh basah!

Nini alai tue~ & the bungsu Mateen!

Room Crib. (Today, Friday)

Drilling2 in the morning. Tada the result. Worth it! xD

Sarah KIHUT ahh! With daddy nya pro camera man! xD

Cool ahh! xD

Talk about tahlil malam yesterday.

Balik skulah, got pick up by Sarah & kaka. Then usai2 meja bla bla bla. Non stop work. Then lil cuz dtg 4th Generation, bla bla bla! Then after Isyak start inviting. Meeting & gathering family. HUJAN LABAT, bewind & lightning! So makan2 di luar mcm kn trabang ah makanan nya. Wet the whole night.

8-11pm. Chill sma bros in laws, fam & cuzn. Cuzn my own generation. (2nd btw) xD So yeah main psp. Then main ps3. xD Bla bla bla. Tidor at 3. xD


Woke up 10. Watch Home Alone 3 again. Ready of Friday prayer about 11+. Tertidor near azan. Bangangly woke up & tarus jalan ke masjid laju2! xD Then balik. Online jab (being a biatch tdi). Hujan tia, masa kn upload pics. Then after half way at 4+ tutup karan. Baie, Alum upload pics! So nada kraja bro in law & I siram the garage & mop. (rajin ah) xD Cuzn bru dtg. Liat ia parking! HAHAH. Bwoooh kn lisen nie. So main psp after tht.

Parents, nini ngah & all chill di luar makan. Went to balcony, main psp lagi. Bro in law, kakas & Sarah kn jalan to escape the tutup karan at 5+! Ikut, cuzn ikut jua. Main psp lgi. Ke kedai, cari battery fan & *cough2 guns! err!
Bali satay, ice cream. Otw balik, drop cuzn as she is going out with her family kn escape tutup karan jua. xD

On the road, Ngah ask me to go. Tapi malas. So then balik. Bro balik. Still tutup karan. Had dinner with 2 candles (detail jua) xD It was fun. Like so peaceful & banyak bonding lh. Sian Sarah nagis2, panas kali! Then main psp, batt low. Limpang2 on the carpet, bro chilling jua di sofa. In the dark lagi! Balik2 makan nie satay lh, keripap lh, roti lh, kelupis lh, comon have nothing else to do! Signal lagi nada! xD

Then ada karan! Alhamdulilah! Tarus turn on ps3, main football with bro. Then mandi at 10! xD Now 10.52 buat blog! Rearranging & shit. Giler 1 hour buat ah! xD

Night peeps.
Sorry for the delay~


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It carries on.

Captain's Log 26 August 2008.

Sja, it feels right to write something like this at this moment. xD
Anyway as this incident grow each day. (bru jua yesterday) More words are to said from the unknown fella. It seems my friends want to know who you are. Someone in school perhaps yeah.

So while replying his 2 latest comments. I went back & exchange harsh words. But dont get me wrong. Iam not doing it like shit. Its just I want this dude to taste his own medicine.
I wont say much on what has happen.

Aite todays doings. (nothing much) Banyak chilling while studying sja

Exams Poa & Econ was err freaking hard. Lupanya economic dulu ah & start at 7.30 kn. I havent read anything yet. (last min brabis) For a miracle reason that morning jua the test was bumped to 8am. I was like woah! Lucky.

Outside with peeps. Baca baca baca, well things did came in but still exam was confusing I should say. I didnt cover the whole thing. (iatah nah) As we did the exam most the students was like stress lh. 1 by 1 they left sal awal abis.

Err then masa recess studied with Pengi, Ida & Uchi outside the school bench. Then Bazh show me her malaguena video. Omg! It was soo beautiful. How she plays rawks, on only a short period of time to achive that is just awesome. <3 Heard that balik2! xD

We spent outside before recess sampai everyone dalam class. (like1half period) we were the only ones outside, studying! (eseh) Owh & si Nas jua from form5.

Poa. Awaits, First few pages was like hrmm I can do this. Then last last "ah damn" nada jadi jadi nie. My mind was blank. (reading lst min no work(durr)) I forgot most of my studies. Then sampai ast page atu blank lh.

So after it was over I was relive. Its over. xD Well nt quiet. Esuk lagi! Matie! So when out early. Took the al-Quran from school. Tarus lh I go home. I really want to rest. Walked home with the al-Quran in my bag. Paksa angkat my bag lh. Sangal tangan. xD 15min walk a day now.

I was damn early ke yayasan ah. It seem mcm escape sja. Called my dad. Naik boat. Ke kreta & another 10min back home. Arrived home. Liat wyg, chillex. Now 6+. Study time malam atu! xD

Owh & to Bazh: Sabar bazh. Heheh Good Girl! xD I nak your video atu. No space to send tdi in my mob! x(

Mysterious girl: One day? Well okay then. But dont get weary of me since now & then I would try to find you out. Hee~ xD Thanks for your word Mysterious Girl. =)
It seems you know me a whole lot. But I can tell that your in my school. Am I right? ;D

Sorry readers I havent posted pics yet. I'll get back on it masa ada events & all. Plus exam magically was last min placed with MIB on Thurs. Tomorrow was suppose to be last. Well at least Thurs skip 4whole period for exam I wont put much spirit in it! xD

Puasa is coming. Yeay! Be good now people!


Cried something so silly aye. So can you tell me what I've been going through. Have you idea. I guess not. Not knowing someones problem or even the surface of it & you said silly. How if your family member died or something. Can you say that is silly. Seriously you have no idea whats it all about.

Well, it may sound lame. Well how so its my nature to be lame & goofy. At least I have a sense of humor. xD Grow up? Excuse me, who is the one mocking with an issue like this, an issue you cant even keep to yourself from mocking. Owh I know, you. Tell me? You grow up.

& whats up with balls suddenly? Are you addicted to them or something. I bet you grow balls at your back yard. xD

To: Not Gay

To Not Gay:

Hey Nut Job! Who said I was crying over projects. Cant you freaking read. Aiyaa cant tolerate with a fool like you. I guess you just dont get the word "Problems" do you. Thats what you have a problem. I seriously dont know why you have such issue with this. Like my friend said this is so sad. I somehow pity you. Cant you just like chill out. When I post cant you see a bit indenial of me or a little sarcasm. Adedeh.

Yeah, I have awesome friends. No doubt about that!

Adedeh, Nada life lupanya. I guess you need help or go see a shrink. Put your life back together. Aite. =) You also said that your open minded. So why cant you just let this go. Thats not open! (sounds weird) hahha

Naw man your not on my mind your on my foot really? (I have no idea how that goes) . I really do want to help you get through this problem and sort things out. Lashing on people does not make things better. So chillex lh.

Peace out yo~

Monday, August 25, 2008



Exam eng was quite hard. Maths I gave up! xD

An incident between Adinda & T.
Well I wont go in detail but its quite a scene & shocker!

Had my laugh of the day sma Uchi. Lets just say we spoke caveman.

Me: Arrgg! Pointing at maths equation.
Uchi:*seconds later. Arrrgghe! Pointing jua (kes nada kn cakap).

It was like so lagging mcm caveman. Nice timing baa!

But ya it was just funny at tht moment! Laugh hell! xD

So spend time with usuals. Yadayadayda. Ida did spiderman sami pose while dangan Pengi blajar, Liat donkey punya pics (lawa lh), Stare at Nya naow, Chill with Bazh, Bully si katong! Owh & blajar poa with form4b!

Would also like to say. That T.Hamirul is weird & can be hurtful at times. He is the weirdest teacher I ever met!
But he seems so innocent. I dont know lh! xD

Walked home. Yadayada

So here is the shocking part. After makan & all. Bru kn online kn baca tag board. A coincidence that Syaza msg me pasal it. So then I read it. Hokay~

I wont say much since its still there what. & I wrote a post to them jua. So you'll get it.

Msg from Bazh came soon after that. So these 2 msg & cheered me up. I was in a fucked up state. Sabar lh jua, while marah at times. But soon my friends pitched in the tag board. So yes I realise how much that means to me! It made me well happy & very relaxed.

Thanks Guys & Girls~

Guess Who xD
. (I dont know her name) xP
:) (owh comon just put ur name there!) xD

What you guys said well its just arrgh thanks~
(& tht means beyond beautiful in caveman lang.)

But the weird thing is that when "not gay" started it was a chain reaction to constant reader & random girl.
I have no idea who you guys are. But sadly I want to keep it that way. It would be too sad to know who you are since you treated me this way esp random girl. I always respect & be polite to a girl. (except close ones ;D ( nada bh~))

So Iam very happy now esp now that Sarah (cute anak buah) ada! Yeay she'll be sleeping here again. I miss her so much! Ada expressions sudah her face! Ahhhhh~ Cute!!

Well night peeps. I'll post pic tomolo. Its quite late. Well 9 pulang masih but biasa lh bangun at 5 & jalan awal ke skulah! Exam bh!


Thanks again everyone~

To tagboard

Random girl: First of all is it wrong being way sensitive. Have you not have friends those are very sensitive. Fine if you want to call that gay. So basically guys who cry are gay. Well you have the rights to say it. I dont mind. But please, if you may, will you not judge me if you dont know me. Secondly please dont flame my tag board. I might or might not know you but please just hold your grudge against me. As I ask you kindly. =)

Constant reader: By constant you must be one of my regulars. xD Yes you got that right. Iam very sensitive. I guess its too much. But its my nature. Believe me, no matter how much I tried to change or even deny it. I just cant. On the love matter. I have no comment on that. Offence, none taken. =) I guess I complain too much is because I do have a blog. I do have my rights dont I? & I do agree when you said we need to do alot of work to suceed. I thank you for the tip.

Not Gay: Fine, Guys cant cry, by what you & random girl says. I guess your one of those typical male & female who arent open minded. I pity your little sister having a brother like you to compare people. Sorry for flaming you. But dont worry its not about you right. Its about mocking me right? You doing tons of project. Good for you. =)

Damn son. Look at these tag boards dude/chick here. Excluding Constant reader. They must be very mad at me since I cried & complain. xD Saying those things just satisfy their egos to hurt me. Gagaga. Well I would just like to clarify that I do complain. But you have no idea what problems I have, heck maybe even get to know me, plus isnt this a blog to write shit down. x) As a fellow person with feelings, could you not understand. Or just dont read it at all. I know when you read about people complains you will have an opinion. But at least could you say it nicely? Or maybe just keep it to yourself.

Well congrats. You busted my mood & disrupt my mind. I guess thats what you want right. To let your words out & spoil one's mood just to ease your own. I got lots shit to say. Sadly I have to carry on my studies. =)

Peace out~

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Friday's Pictures. I miss posting pics! xD
Not much though!

Poa extra class.~ Si Uchi & Haziq posing! haha

Masa sitting next to Pengi. Eseh concentrate eyh! ;D
Good Girl~

Abg Karey sma si Along. Menyamal ia nie, Sal T. put away the lappy! xD

Guess where~ hahha xD

Loike this shot~ Shiny bling blings!

My Moma~ xD

Sorry for the readers yesterday. No blog blog. xD

I'll talk about yesterday. Quite moody yesterday.

Exam Bahasa Melayu, yes it was confusing.
Geo, Thnx to T. for the us to study most the shits. ;D
Plus when T. said ada Essay but god it was only Structured question. Thank you! apalh cikgu ani!

So geo was fine. Could of done more. Study last min just before that exam. gagaga

So masa exam stared at Nya naow & Pengi since I sat near them. I have no idea why, but my eyes just want to stare something. I guess staring at pengi's beautiful brown eyes. (kambang ya nie)! xD & the fact that Nya naow a glimpse of stare at her block nya tia! Siok lh bully her like that! ;D

After exam sitting on the floor with Adinda, Pengi, Donkey, & Ida who btw made this funny sami relax twitched face! That made me laugh! xD Entah ah I was still moody i guess from the pressure of school. I just want exam to end first & I'll get my act together again.

Sat with BNM jua. Stare at nya naow none stop! Biar ia~

After school. Err quiet. Say papai who left.
Was with Nysah & Fifi kajab & Aime & then Aimi main sma ya di kreta. Err what i meant is main sign lang. when she was in the car! xD

I just wanted to be alone later, so I went outside school. So dangar lagu while waiting for my sister who btw was so late today. But its ok since she bawa eat lunch with her "friend"!

So went to our co share Rest. Sri Patik. Makan lunch. Jumpa sis friend. I was like "damn"! Kajut lh! But he is a nice dude.

Balik. I was happy again cuz my sis ah. My family are my last resort of smiling. So I guess I need them more then ever. Main Gta! Omg was I relaxed. Imagine aircon room, chilled temperature, lying down on the floor with pillows. Just what I wanted. I did not decribe it that well but yeah! Lets move on! My sis was there too. Baca mag & liat main game jua! xD

My sis mau buat Sheperd's Pie. (spelling). An experiment, started at 5+. Sheperd's pie is basically layers of foods & being baked & burned.

Bottom layer~ Meat, onion, chili & tomato sauce etc~
1st layer~ Mashed potato with sprinkle of hot dogs.
2nd layer~ Cheese. Full cream baked cheese.


So put oven, main game lagi. Check time to time. 3-4hrs later. It was ready. Well not really, the cheese was still soft. It need to be golden. Howel makan th. Dad was the first 1 to eat. Then ya makan th! It was a delite~ Liat olympics while makan. Moma makan jua.

After. Yes we finished it. All 4 of us did. Well I ate sampai clean! xD

Liat olympics with dada & sis. Cuci pinggan at times jua! xD Then like 10+pm after olympics. Which btw awesome & last field event. So mandi. I know akhir. xD After mandi baca people's blog. Did not do my own. Ngalih I.

Went down. Main gta like for a while. Sampai 1+, liat NatGeo sal "steroids" I was very shock. So I wanted to watch it kn. Lying down on the sofa & closed my eyes for a bit. Next thing you know Iam watching about "Polar Bears"
HAHAHAH! I was like so blurry & thinking Polar bears used steriods too!

Saw the clock, ahhh damn its 2+ close to 3am. adedeh. Bangang-ly walk to my room. Tutup everything & went to bed. K.O.

This Monring.
Woke at 5. I had a well wonderful dream. xD
Then at 7, this time pasal running.
Then finally at 10, about entah! xD

So liat Home Alone 3 tdi. Until 12+, main Gta for awhile like 5min! xD Banar I cant concentrate like masa watching tv & also now typing these down. my brain seems in its half wake state from not enough sleep. xD
Now buat blog. Nak makan after this. Masak lh nie.

Bh peeps. Mayb later again. I need to study for my other subjects~
Btw Bazh omg. Malaguena is a beautiful~
I want to see you play that~