Captain's Log 26 August 2008.
Sja, it feels right to write something like this at this moment. xD
Anyway as this incident grow each day. (bru jua yesterday) More words are to said from the unknown fella. It seems my friends want to know who you are. Someone in school perhaps yeah.
So while replying his 2 latest comments. I went back & exchange harsh words. But dont get me wrong. Iam not doing it like shit. Its just I want this dude to taste his own medicine.
I wont say much on what has happen.
Aite todays doings. (nothing much) Banyak chilling while studying sja
Exams Poa & Econ was err freaking hard. Lupanya economic dulu ah & start at 7.30 kn. I havent read anything yet. (last min brabis) For a miracle reason that morning jua the test was bumped to 8am. I was like woah! Lucky.
Outside with peeps. Baca baca baca, well things did came in but still exam was confusing I should say. I didnt cover the whole thing. (iatah nah) As we did the exam most the students was like stress lh. 1 by 1 they left sal awal abis.
Err then masa recess studied with Pengi, Ida & Uchi outside the school bench. Then Bazh show me her malaguena video. Omg! It was soo beautiful. How she plays rawks, on only a short period of time to achive that is just awesome. <3 Heard that balik2! xD
We spent outside before recess sampai everyone dalam class. (like1half period) we were the only ones outside, studying! (eseh) Owh & si Nas jua from form5.
Poa. Awaits, First few pages was like hrmm I can do this. Then last last "ah damn" nada jadi jadi nie. My mind was blank. (reading lst min no work(durr)) I forgot most of my studies. Then sampai ast page atu blank lh.
So after it was over I was relive. Its over. xD Well nt quiet. Esuk lagi! Matie! So when out early. Took the al-Quran from school. Tarus lh I go home. I really want to rest. Walked home with the al-Quran in my bag. Paksa angkat my bag lh. Sangal tangan. xD 15min walk a day now.
I was damn early ke yayasan ah. It seem mcm escape sja. Called my dad. Naik boat. Ke kreta & another 10min back home. Arrived home. Liat wyg, chillex. Now 6+. Study time malam atu! xD
Owh & to Bazh: Sabar bazh. Heheh Good Girl! xD I nak your video atu. No space to send tdi in my mob! x(
Mysterious girl: One day? Well okay then. But dont get weary of me since now & then I would try to find you out. Hee~ xD Thanks for your word Mysterious Girl. =)
It seems you know me a whole lot. But I can tell that your in my school. Am I right? ;D
Sorry readers I havent posted pics yet. I'll get back on it masa ada events & all. Plus exam magically was last min placed with MIB on Thurs. Tomorrow was suppose to be last. Well at least Thurs skip 4whole period for exam I wont put much spirit in it! xD
Puasa is coming. Yeay! Be good now people!
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