Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Hallo people~

I think this is the longest I havent updated my blog, but for some reason the visiting of people is ramai! Haaaaa! How surprise was I. Thank you anyway for visiting. I'll be back right after exams (or somewhere in the middle of exams) ;D

So exam starts tomorrow yeah. Good Luck people. PMB is almost ending & O's probaly is somewhere when we end too. I envy PSR students right about now. (well last week) Cuti udah! Owh for my short disappearence was not because of study leave. I was just kusut-ing last week + stress of examination. But Iam over it. =)

Owh something just hit my head, I just realise that I wont see them form 5 nomore. Well end of the year. It saddens me. I know Iam not that close to them but most of them were my ex-classmate. Well anyway, Good Luck to you guys. (No more hot form 5 girls) x( Err too much info!

As for today, was err somehow quiet! (since ada org atu nada skulah since ia mau study leave tpi nada jua study nya) Panjang nyee! *apa yg panjang! Errr! (inside joke BNM) xD Really, I am not myself during these weeks. Exam is one of the reason, I've been quiet, weird, overly hyper & just feeling plain stupidity! Some might notice everytime exam is near.

But as today was fine. But good thing is I did manage to study, listen in class & importantly understand! This was suppose to be a short post but I guess I miss saying crap in my blog.

History- Study.

Poa- Cikgu marah & sedih. Good thing I did the revision work.

Break- With the dudes makan. Then NM. B nya absent =( Awu I mish engkau! Bazh! x)

Malay 3 periods!- Matie. Ceramah for 2 period on the uncomfortable wooden chair. At least ada booboo next to me lh. Which btw inda menyamal lagi. Yeaaaa! =B (batah menyamal nya ani) Pujuk ia pun payah! xP Damn rindu lh staring at her beautipol eye! *kambang ya nie!!

Econ- Malas by this time. Sat there & here lh. Booboo made a embarassing scene sama T.Jenkins. Adedeh! HAHAHAHA! Lupanya~ Scandal nya tue. I wont say much sal krg ia menyamal lagi. Haaaaaa!

Owh Nya naow ikat me this string on my hand which is still attached. Mcm bracelet baa lawa. Cana kn mandi nie! I dont know how to tie it back! xD

After School- Aime curi my jacket & hat! x) Just dont forget to bring it tomorrow Aime since its your last day! xP

Aimi taught me this rubix cube trick. Well almost got it. xD

So my last verdict for today.

Happy Belated Birthday To

Nur Amalina Matali
Ahmad Nafees

Happy Birthday To

Liyana Rosle

& Happy Advance Birthday To

Joel LapLap

Latur People.

Btw Tag board people sorry nada balas2! xP

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