Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lets be happy together.

-I would like to apologize again for the bird I've accidently hit. Guilty wah aku! blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com

-I'm feeling a little more better both mind & heart! Thank you all. blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com

-I've really got nothing much to say. This is just a short update. blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com

-Had a convoy road trip with Hafiz to places today! & chilled at my house till 8pm, bru ia balik! Samseng sudah nie, akhir balik during school days! lol blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com

- To any broken-hearted people, don't fret. In time, it'll pass. It'll be a challenge, trust me I know! I'm still healing from my father's traumatic passing till now. But I survive with friends, with faith, & every laughter I shared with every one of you. blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com

-So take every sweet opportunity you have with them & cherish these very moments. Even the little things in life that makes you smile counts. blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com

I bid thee a goodbye, for tonight & have a pleasent tomorrow morning. blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com

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