Monday, April 5, 2010

What makes a rabbit, their cute teeth!

This is actually a dedicated post for a certain someone.

You know rabbits are super cute right, common who don't think so. Esp when they smile? Lol? Rabbits can smile? That's a thought. This post is actually for an awesome friend I recently met, just to cheer her up. I know, I know. I'm just too sweet! HAHAHA! Prasan much! -.-'

So to cheer you up, I found some awesome bunny pictures for ya.

RAWWWR~ Hot right! =PP

Yeah, its the only bunny character yang I know hot. O.o That reminds me of you too.
Please don't get offended! =B

& this to show how utterly adorable & cute you are. =BBB

LOL, I hope that cheers you up, If not having you to smile is enough for me.

Owh last picture!

OMG! Its Vamp bunneh! =O (spoil wordings -.-')

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