Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Something's Missing, & I don't know how to fix it.

Title 'quoted' by John Mayer's song. =)

Its always a certain someone that we are missing, is it not? Loneliness. Don't worry I'm not in my 'emo' mode. I'm really thankful of wonderful people surrounding me. Near or far, people who touched my life. Don't worry this is not an appreciation mode speech either. I'm just being random.

Today, I skipped 1 class + another 1 since its a relief tchr, 1 no class & 1 'movie' class + my Ps. So do the math, I didn't study today! =O Lazy is one thing. Yesterday was quite similar but I didn't escape any + we watched series 'Modern Family' which is to say, a rather interesting series.

Oh, I just wanted to post some pictures from Ziemah's crib last time & some other random shots in college. =)

A pleasant-pleasant evening that was. Now for college shots.

Hand few of people I see & hangout at most days. =) 'What was your first impression of me?' Questions was asked all over the group! =P

Oh, I've just realized that my phone's camera is fast ever since I update the software! Atulh rajin ambil gambar compare to last time! HURAAAY! =P

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