Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Long Over Dued.

Its been too long. I just felt in need to write once again. I miss it but I'm afraid that I've lost it. Another reason being that I don't want to go starting a new school with dumbfound words & crooked english. I've need alot of polishing. I'm not sad, depressed, or anything, in fact i just wanted to excercise the brain. =)

So what's been up at a new year you might say, to people I haven't made contacts in real life nor fb o.O Well really I'm just fine. I must say that, I've been unhealthy for quite awhile now. I'm feeling much better today. I can hear again. =O

Yeah, I've been deaf on the right ear for about a week now, or make it 2 weeks >.< I finally got better just today & thanks to the internet, finding solution to get my hearing back. This one manuevuer which helped me which I forgot the named cured me. x) Its where you pinch your nose, than hold your breath. I guess it works on plugged ear too.

Err anyway, besides that, my licenses is taking REAL slowly, I thought it was like a 2 weeks prosedure. We don't have guidance, i thinks thats why its taking so long. I advise for people who wants to take their licenses, do take the written test like really really early. It'll safe you time. -.-
Its true, I haven't been chatting, fb-ing or anything related to socializing. But I guess, I like it that way. Well does not hurt to miss or be missed. No doubt. :D

I guess that will come when I start school. Which I don't want to be late for, since I'm going to go Umrah, next month on 18th. It worries me that I might be late & ketinggalan dengan orang2 sakai bru ke form 6! I dont want to miss that. >.< Beside that... Hrmm if people don't want to hear anything about 'Result' Should stop here & naooo!

Ok, carry on. Not wanting to remind people that result is coming soon. But I'm very curious what I got. Scared?Hell yeah =O Heard it was coming out on 25th lh, 28th lh.... during this month. Isn't that quite early? I mean I don't want to miss my 1st day of form 6 as I mentioned earlier ._. (If I get in that is...)

I've written quite enough for today. I'll point out that I miss you, you & you. =O Very much.
Signing off. I'll stay connected to blog. =B

Ps. Sorry Aime, I change the layout without your knowledge. The bear is still there though. >;)

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