Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Owh my damn, this is my jam! Waduh ini punya blog sudah berhantu!

Anyhooo, I have drafts of pictures which I have not posted since last week, no captions yet. Sorry to keep y'all waiting. But seems like one thing is catching up to me! Karma! I having one of the most stress-test (?) month so far, this year. Matie! Pressure building in midst of my O's which I keep procastinating (antam chia spelling nya) on when to study! Not only that but our O's falls on a long list of days of Mid year (apaaan, lain jua sentence nya). What I need is just a break & holiday is what iam aiming for!

Not only that but social life is so a bother! Lots of relationship with friends, lovers & people in general is fondling down hill since I scarifice my time for certain people & too blind to see people who actually need my attention or actually give a damn about me being the one ignored. Iam sorry, I was caught in a love web which I build but sooner (as i expected) will crumble & just get my self caught while being left with my own doings.

But I do have a goal for this 4 O's to be a good one & just screw Mid year! Seriously, I forgot that my birthday is just in the 2 digits hour line. I cant celebrate, I cant go buy them pre-post birthday peeps gift (just yet!) ;D Naw screw it, iam not too fond of my birthday this May, the month which I loved so much that in the end manage to cripple itself. 'Karma' as I said. I just hope that Iam happy once again...

Troubled & broken, I actually hope I'll find someone who is worthy & someone who can fix me. Like someone said, "Dude, find a girl for yourself!" Not entirely talking relationship, but a friend who can actually be there. Iam also envy of meh friend who actually found someone & would like congrat them. Nah clue si D & S! ;P

I'll stop here. Hopefully I'll be back after Malay O's. & & & dedicate a post to my angel Nikita. (=
Happy Belated Nikita. (= There will be another post just for you soon! x)

Oh did i mention that Iam sick & beyond. Meaning I have a severe effects. (minor lh) Iam keeping strong though but its bringing me down at times! Bleeding, Headache, Difficult breathings, Hot & Cold & Thirsty all the time! I rarely get sick but this... got it from si booo, but not her fault lh! Named virus 'Boo2Boo1'! (mmmmbah!) xP

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